Label Conversion

Currently, we provide conversion scripts between scalabel and following formats: COCO, Waymo, KITTI, MOTChallenge, NuScenes, CrowdHuman. They are in the label module of the Scalabel python package. We recommend using the tools through python module invoke convention. For example,

python3 -m scalabel.label.to_coco ...


from_coco converts coco-format json files into scalabel format. Currently, for conversion of segmentation, only polygon format is supported.

Available arguments:

--input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        path to the coco-format json file
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        output json path for ``det`` and ``ins_seg`` or
                        output jsons folder for ``box_track`` and ``seg_track``


to_coco converts scalabel json files into coco format. Now it support the conversions of four tasks: object detection as det, instance segmentation as ins_seg, multi-object tracking as box_track and multi-object tracking, or named segmentation tracking, as seg_track.

To store more information in the coco-format json files, we add new property names “videos” to the coco format. It is a list like “videos” and “annotations”, and each item has two properties: “id” and “name”.

Note: For segmentation tasks, the mask conversion may not be reversible. Polygon format can be converted back with accuracy loss. Meanwhile RLE format’s converting back is not supported currently, but this conversion has no loss in mask accuracy.

Available arguments:

--input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        input json path for ``det`` and ``ins_seg`` or
                        input jsons folder for ``box_track`` and ``seg_track``
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        path to the output file to save the coco file
--mode MODE, -m MODE
                        one of [det, ins_seg, box_track, seg_track]
--mask-mode, -mm,
                        conversion mode: rle or polygon
                        number of processes for mot evaluation
                        config file for COCO categories


from_mot converts MOTChallenge annotations into Scalabel format.

Available arguments:

--input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        path to MOTChallenge data (images + annotations).
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output path for Scalabel format annotations.
                        Split each video into train and validation parts (50 / 50).


from_waymo converts Waymo Open tfrecord files into Scalabel format.

Available arguments:

--input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        path to MOTChallenge data (images + annotations).
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output path for Scalabel format annotations.
--save-images, -s SAVE
                        If the images should be extracted from .tfrecords and saved (necessary for using Waymo Open data with Scalabel format annotations).
--use-lidar-labels USE_LIDAR
                        If the conversion script should use the LiDAR labels as GT for conversion (3D + 2D projected). Default is Camera labels (2D only).
--nproc NPROC
                        Number of processes for conversion. Default is 4.


from_kitti converts KITTI annotations into Scalabel format.

Available arguments:

--input-dir INPUT, -i INPUT
                        path to KITTI data (images + annotations).
--output-dir OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output path for Scalabel format annotations.
--split SPLIT
                        one of [training, testing]
--data-type DATA_TYPE
                        one of [tracking, detection]
--nproc NPROC
                        Number of processes for conversion. Default is 4.


from_nuscenes converts NuScenes annotations into Scalabel format.

Available arguments:

--input-dir INPUT, -i INPUT
                        path to NuScenes data root.
--version VERSION, -v VERSION
                        NuScenes dataset version to convert: v1.0-trainval, v1.0-test, v1.0-mini
--output-dir OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output path for Scalabel format annotations.
--splits SPLIT
                        Depending on version one of [mini_train, mini_val, train, val, test]
--add-non-key ADD_NON_KEY
                        Add non-key frames (not annotated) to the converted data.
--nproc NPROC
                        Number of processes for conversion. Default is 4.


to_nuscenes converts Scalabel format into a NuScenes result file.

Available arguments:

--input-dir INPUT, -i INPUT
                        root directory of Scalabel label Json files or path to a label json file
--output-dir OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        path to save nuscenes formatted label file
--mode MODE, -m MODE
                        conversion mode: detection or tracking.
--nproc NPROC
                        Number of processes for conversion. Default is 4.
--metadata METADATA
                        Modalities / Data used: camera, lidar, radar, map, external